【トレインキッズのコンセプト】 ・電車好きの子供達が仲良くなれる放課後デイ ・小学生から高校生になっても通いたくなる放課後デイ ・カフェのような環境でPCが学べる放課後デイ 学校から帰ってきてホッと息抜きできる「第二のマイホーム」になれるような放課後デイを目指します
撮影機材はMatterport Pro2です。
撮影機材はSonyα7RⅣ・12mm F2.8 ED AS NCS FISH-EYEです。
撮影機材はマターポート Pro2です。
Virtual Cattle Barn (or Virtual Gyu-sha in Japanese) was produced for the National Competitive Exhibition of Wagyu (or the “Wagyu Olympics” as they are known) held in October in Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan, and was intended to provide the visitors with a feeling of what a real cattle farm is like. It was also nominated for the Digital Twin Awards in 2022.
The Virtual Gyu-Sha transports you to a small cattle farm in Kagoshima Japan. It opens with a traditional virtual tour 360 and you are greeted by the atmospheric sound of the late Summer Japanese countryside recorded at the scene. You are overlooking the 4 barns. If you click any of the barns they will open a Matterport space in a pop-up window and the roar of the exhaust fans and the clanking of the cattle harnesses against the the steel enclosures can be heard clearly. Inside there are videos of the daily activities of the farmers and the cattle.
Most of Virtual Gyu-Sha was photographed with a Sony α7RⅣ mirrorless camera and A Sanyang 14mm Fisheye lens. The photos were converted to 360s and super-imposed on the original Pro2 scans of the 4 barns. The Pro2 scans were mosty hidden as the cattle move too fast for the Pro2’s shutter. The mirrorless camera 360s were heavilly HDR edited to make the dark cattle easier to see in the dark barn which also has a lot of sunlight coming in as there are no walls.
There are several videos embeded in the virtual tours. Most of the videos were made by us here at Meidansha (except the scene of a cow giving birth which was made on the farmer’s phone). The video editing was by Kevin Doyle Jr.
A special thanks to Kagoshima Prefecture and the National Competitive Exhibition of Wagyu (or the “Wagyu Olympics” as they are known) for choosing to use virtual tour technology and Meidansha for this production.
撮影機材はMatterport Pro2・Sonyα7RⅣ・12mm F2.8 ED AS NCS FISH-EYEです。
撮影機材:Matterport Pro2
撮影機材はLEICA・BLK・360・リコーシータZ1・マターポート Pro2です。
「KAJIMA DX LABO」は、2020年10月のオープン以来、冬季閉鎖期間を除く約9か月間で、2,600名以上の見学者が訪れるなど好評を博しています。
「KAJIMA DX LABO オンラインミュージアム」は、PC、タブレット、スマートフォンのいずれからもアクセス可能なため、現地に足を運ばずとも、また冬季閉鎖中でも、いつでも、どこからでも「KAJIMA DX LABO」を体験できます。言語も日本語と英語を選択でき、画面上でLABO内を移動しながら、展示パネルの情報を見ることはもちろん、ジオラマや展示パネル、フィールドミュージアムに設定したARを体験できるほか、シアタールームで上映されている動画の視聴も可能です。
撮影機材はLEICA・BLK・360・Matterport Pro2です。